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Duritherm Battery Hydrometer

The temperature at which the hydrometer float is accurately calibrated. An integral thermometer with correction chart enables adjusted float readings to be quickly taken.

Duritherm Hydrometer Jacket

Jacket for 0-363-00. Jacket for 0-363-50.

Duritherm Hydrometer Spout

Spout for 0-363-00 including thermometer. Spout for 0-363-50 including thermometer.

Heavy Duty Battery Hydrometer

Specific gravity range 1.100 - 1.400° Accuracy tolerance ± 0.010° SG

Popular Battery Hydrometer

Specific gravity range 1.150 - 1.350° Accuracy tolerance ± 0.010° SG

Precision Battery Hydrometer

Incorporates integral thermometer and special hydrometer float, 1.220 - 1.300° which is the critical range for battery servicing.

Precision Hydrometer Spout

Spout for 0-472-00 including thermometer.